17/03 - Water collectors more balanced - I mean, if you realy want you can look at the changes on github * Other stuff now gives coal too (!) - Capped carbon 15/03 - Changed a few workshop descriptions (too minor to list) - Fixed stupid workshop bug 14/03 - Chucked another link to the changelog in! - Restyled a bit of stuff - Another minor bug again :( - Yet another minor bug (something just wasn't showing up) 14/03 - Now the bought items are clickable for additional details! - Also made exploration area 'take up all the available room' as requested 13/03 - You can now see workshop bought items! Hooray! 13/03 - Decided to log every update, no matter how small (so I need five places) - Changed price growth rate of wooden plank storages to be linear not exponential (!) 0.0.2 13/03 - A bunch of upgrades added over the last few days - Storages should be slightly more gettable 10/03/18 - Water storage balances for early game 0.0.1: 10/03/18 10/03/18 - Balanced more stuff to speed things up more * Allowed queueing of a second job - Revamped more balancing Kinda went on a hiatus here 08/03/18 - Rebalanced stuffs (lower exploration times, cheaper storages) - Condensed map - Developed more better framework * Mostly new content - Functioning jobs, workshop, exploration and boosts for these - Buildings added, on/offable - Massive iron bottleneck 0.0.0: 19/09/17 - Developed for a few months - Added framework for pretty much everything - Fully functioning jobs (solo), workshop and exploration - Some boosts implemented